Educational Literature
Everything found on this page and within this website is the property of the IPPR. Unlawful use will not be tolerated. Unless note differently, the information is the copyright of the IPPR.
Farrowing Chart

The farrowing chart if not the copyright of the IPPR
Raising Pigs on Green Pasture

This book about raising pigs on green pasture was written by Jodi Cronauer after years of raising Idaho Pasture Pigs. “Learning from other people’s experiences and mistakes is one of the best ways to learn. The hope with this book is that you take what works for you and implement it into your farm.” Jodi Cronauer
This very educational book about raising pigs on green pastures can be purchased at:
Educational Flyer
This flyer has the nutritional benefits to not only your pig, but the pork that you are raising. We encourage you to print it out, download it, get pamphlets printed, and not only use it as a learning tool for you and your farm, but also for new buyers along with the purchase of their new pigs or for your pork customers.
Educational Pamphlet (with nutritional information)
The Registry has developed an Educational Pamphlet that we feel encompasses the most important points for new owners and breeders. This version has a nutritional section that covers the benefits of eating primarily grassfed pork. We encourage you to print it out and not only use it as a learning tool for you and your farm, but also to hand out to new buyers along with the purchase of their new IPP. You can also download a copy and get pamphlets printed via VistaPrint, Canva, etc.
Educational Pamphlet (with breed standards)
This version of the Educational Pamphlet contains the breed standard in lieu of the nutritional information. This is a great source to hand out to customers purchasing new breeding stock from your farm. We encourage you to print it out, download it, get pamphlets printed, and not only use it as a learning tool for you and your farm, but also for new buyers along with the purchase of their new pigs.
Nutritional Benefits of Pasture Raised Pork
The following is the copyright of the Food Animal Concerns Trust (FACT). FACT published a very good article on the benefits of pasture-raised pork.