Registration Forms & Information

All Registrations and Litter Notifications MUST be submitted by the BREEDER of the pigs thru their online account. Anything submitted by the new owner, instead of the breeder, will be returned and will not be able to be completed. Registrations must be completed prior to pigs turning one year old!
Please allow 4 – 6 weeks, from the time that submissions are received, for registration, litter notifications, transfers, and breeder prefixes to be completed.
Rules for Registering Piglets:
There are three types of memberships available with the Idaho Pasture Pig Registry. This is an attempt to be able to continue a one-time fee for a Basic membership.
* Basic Member – A Basic membership is a one-time fee of $100 and includes your farm/breeder prefix and the ability to do litter notifications, Registrations, & Transfers thru access to your personal online account. This is done by printing the paperwork below and sending it into the Registry to the address located on the bottom of the paperwork.
* Premium Member – A Premium membership is an annual fee of $35 that will renew each year on July 1st. The Premium membership includes your farm listing on the Registered Breeder page, the use of the COI (c0-efficient of inbreeding calculator) and hypothetical mating calculator, and access to the IPP herd book. A basic membership must be purchased prior obtaining a premium membership and only farms that are able to produce Registered offspring will be able to purchase a premium membership. The Premium membership is purchased & renewed directly through the shopping cart tab in your online account.
* Temporary Member – A Temporary Member is a member who is getting out of raising Idaho Pasture Pigs and is selling all owned Registered pigs. A Temporary Member will not have access to an online account and will only be permitted to complete the transfer of currently owned Registered pigs. A Temporary Member will not be able to do litter notifications or registrations of any kind. Temporary Membership is only active for 30 days and is $25.
- In order to register piglets with this registry, you must have your farm registered and have a breeder prefix.
- The breeder of the piglets is responsible for the submission of all registrations of the piglets.
- The owner of the pig is the person(s) listed on the back side of the Original Registration Certificate.
- Registered breeders will be able to submit a Litter Notification upon the birth of their litters free of charge, provided it is submitted prior to February 1st, following the year of birth.
- Litter notifications can only be done for pigs you currently own and are that are registered to you. Doing the litter notification does NOT register the piglets, but must be completed prior to registering any piglets.
- Upon the receival of documents to the Idaho Pasture Pig Registry, both electronically and physically, there are no alterations that can be done without the completion of a Change of Information form. Paperwork that has to be resent due to an incorrect address, misspelled name, any other mistake done by the breeder at time of submission will require a Change of Information form.
- Additional rules noted below in specific section.
Litter notifications and registrations must be submitted prior to the pig turning one year old and must be done via the online system unless otherwise noted by the Registrar. Instructions can be found below on this website. The online system for doing litter notifications and registrations can be located at:
IPPR – Members Home (
Basic Membership:
*YOU MUST HAVE THE ABILITY TO PRODUCE REGISTERED IDAHO PASTURE PIGLETS PRIOR TO OBTAINING A Premium Breeder Prefix. * You must have a registered prefix in order to register piglets with the IPPR. If a breeder has more than one location where they are raising pigs, then each location will be required to have its own unique breeder prefix. The cost of the Basic Breeder Prefix is a one-time fee of $100.00. A breeder prefix is 3 -5 letters that denote your farm. For example: if your farm name is Red Wind Pigs, a good prefix would be RWP. When you sign the breeder prefix, it allows the Registry to list your information on our website when a Premium membership is obtained. Any farm not following the set breed standard, or the rules set forth by the Registry, or causing harm to other breeders or the Registry itself, may be subject to losing their Breeder Prefix and Registration rights without a refund of monies paid. A separate and unique breeder prefix is required for each address that pigs are located at. If a partnership dissolves, the breeder prefix owned by the partnership will be dissolved. If either partner provides a signed paper relinquishing rights to the prefix then the opposing partner to be able to retain the rights to that prefix. A Breeder Prefix must be completed via paper at this time. Minors must have a parent or legal guardian as the responsible party. Once you have a breeder prefix, you will get be able to set up your online account for Registering Piglets and doing Litter Notifications. Any paperwork that has to be resent due to an incorrect address, misspelled name, any other mistake done by the breeder at time of submission will be subjected to a $10.00 corrections fee. As already stated: There are two types of memberships available with the Idaho Pasture Pig Registry. This is an attempt to be able to continue a one-time fee for a Lifetime membership. A Basic membership is a one-time fee of $100 and includes your farm/breeder prefix and the ability to do litter notifications and Registrations thru access to your personal online account. * A Premium membership is an annual fee of $35 that will renew each year on July 1st. The Premium membership includes your farm listing on the Registered Breeder page, the use of the COI (c0-efficient of inbreeding calculator) and hypothetical mating calculator, and access to the IPP herd book, as well as IPPR updates, reminders, & information via email. Only farms that own a Registered breeding pair or are able to produce Registered offspring (such as owning a registered sow and using a Registered boar with an outside breeding) are able to obtain a Premium membership. A basic membership must be purchased prior obtaining a premium membership.
Online Account Instructions:
1. Once you have completed the Breeder Prefix form, sent it in to the Registry via USPS, and had your account activated, then you can go to the following website:
IPPR – Members Home (
2. We recommend bookmarking the page because you will use it each time you do a litter notification form from this point on unless you have done an outside breeding and have a Breeding Certificate to accompany the litter notification. If you have a Breeding Certificate, then you will need to send them both in together through the United States Postal Service just as you have done in the past.
3. You will create your own account name using by using the email address you have chosen to use and sent to the Registry on the Breeder Prefix paperwork. A unique password will then be assigned to you via your email account.
4. You will then verify your account.
5. After your account has been verified, you will use the unique password assigned to you to log in the first time.
6. You can choose to keep the unique password assigned to you or at any time, you will be able to change your password by logging into your account using the unique password assigned to you initially.
Temporary Membership Application:
A Temporary Member is a member who is getting out of raising Idaho Pasture Pigs and is selling all owned Registered pigs. A Temporary Member will not have access to an online account and will only be permitted to complete the transfer of currently owned Registered pigs. A Temporary Member will not be able to do litter notifications or registrations of any kind. Temporary Membership is only active for 30 days. A temporary membership is $25.
Litter Notification:
You must be a Registered Breeder to submit litter notifications. Litter notifications are done online via your online account unless otherwise noted by the Registrar or if you have a Certificate of Breeding that must accompany the litter notification. Doing a litter notification does NOT register a piglet, but must be done prior to registering a piglet. The sow must be Registered and only the owner of the pig will be allowed to submit a litter notification. Litter notifications are free of charge if received prior to February 1st, following the year of birth. If after February 1st, then there will be an additional $15.00 charge. Litter notifications must be submitted and received within one year of birth. Litter notifications can only be done for pigs you currently own or if you have a certificate of breeding for an outside boar. Once a litter notification has been submitted, each piglet will be assigned an NR# (non-registered number). That NR# will be used when registering a specific piglet from the litter. Once a sow has been transferred to a new owner, no additional litter notifications can be done by the original owner. Litter notifications can now be submitted online by Registered Breeders unless a Certificate of Breeding must accompany the litter notification. If a Certificate of Breeding must accompany the litter notification, please send both the litter notification paperwork and the certificate of breeding to the address on the bottom of the page. Upon the receival of documents to the Idaho Pasture Pig Registry, both electronically and physically, there are no alterations that can be done without the completion of a Change of Information form.
Online Litter Notification Instructions:
1. You will go to the “shop” tab at the top of the page and from there follow the directions. You will need the full Registered name and number of the pigs who sired the litter in order to begin the litter notification. Animals that are owned by you are connected directly to your account and will be easy to locate. Only animals Registered to you will be able to used for litter notifications and Registrations.
2. Once you submit your litter notification to the Registry, you will receive a confirmation email. Within 1 – 2 weeks your litter notification should be completed by the Registry.
3. Once the litter notification has been completed a confirmation email will again be sent to you and that email will have a direct link from which you can print the completed litter notification. The assigned NR numbers will be located on the completed litter notification. You will be able to see all of your submitted litter notifications at any time from your home account page.
Registration of a Piglet:
Registration must now be done online. Registrations MUST be submitted by the BREEDER of the piglet through their IPPR online account. In order to get your piglets registered you will first have to do the litter notification. Pigs must be registered within one year of birth and Registrations must be done at the time of sale. Only the breeder of the piglets will be allowed to register the piglet(s) and no third-party sales will be permitted. ALL REGISTRATIONS SENT IN BY THE NEW OWNER, INSTEAD OF THE BREEDER, WILL BE RETURNED. There will be a $15.00 charge per piglet registered if registration is mailed to anywhere in the United States. There will be a $25.00 charge if mailed to anywhere in Canada. PayPal is the form of payment for the Idaho Pasture Pig Registry. Any paperwork that has to be resent due to an incorrect address, misspelled name, or any other mistake done by the breeder at time of submission will be subjected to a $15.00 corrections fee. Upon the receival of documents to the Idaho Pasture Pig Registry, both electronically and physically, there are no alterations that can be done without the completion of a Change of Information form.
Online Registration Instructions:
1. You will find the tab to do online registrations in your Shopping Cart tab of your account.
2. To find the pig you will be registering, there is a scroll down tab. Just find the correct NR# that matches up with the piglet you want to register and click on that number.
3. You will then need to type in the full last name of the person or persons getting the pigs. Once the last name is typed in you can see a list of owners with that last name. If your new owner is on that list, then just click on their name and their information will automatically be filled in.
a. If you have a new owner, you will click on the “new” tab and input all of the new owner’s information.
NOTE: There are some people with multiple last names (or combinations) and if this is the case it may be more difficult to find that owner. Putting in the email address of the new owner is going to help determine if they already have an account. This will help determine a possible overlap if it is present. If the computer recognizes an email that is already in use, it will give you an alert saying that email is already used and who it is used by. Most times it is the person or persons you are looking for and you can just click on their name.
4. Once you hit submit, you are able to verify everything before you add it to your cart.
5. You can add as many registrations or litter notifications to your cart as you need before you proceed to the checkout.
PayPal is the accepted payment method of the IPPR.
Certificate of Breeding:
When any breeder is using an outside boar or a boar that is not registered in their name or their farm name, they will be required to have a certificate of breeding from the boar owner. The owner of the boar must be a Registered Breeder. The certificate of breeding must include a live ink signature and be filled out completely using full registered names of both the boar and sow as well as dates of breeding. If the dates of breeding do not match up to the date of delivery, the certificate is null and void and no litter notification will be done for this litter. This certificate must accompany the litter notification and both forms of paperwork must be sent to the Registry via the address on the form. If purchasing a bred sow or gilt, the Certificate of Breeding MUST BE signed by the owner of the boar at the time of conception and GIVEN to the new owner at the time of purchase. This Certificate should be retained by the new owner who will sign as the owner of the sow at the time of farrowing and MUST BE sent in along with the litter notification form.
Registration of a Barrow:
On occasion you will have a need to register a barrow (ex. fair pig). Registration must be done by the breeder of the piglet and the breeder is required to have a breeder prefix. There will be a $15.00 charge per barrow registered.
Transfer of Pig:
The owner of the pig is responsible for doing all transfers. To transfer a registered pig to a new owner the cost will be $15.00. Transfers can only be completed by Registered Breeders or if a owner has a Temporary Membership. Transfers are unable to be completed online because the paperwork as well as the ORIGINAL REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE must be returned to the Idaho Pasture Pig Registry to complete the transfer. Paperwork must contain an original signature. PHOTOCOPIES of signatures will not be accepted. Only registered pigs are able to be transferred. Transfers have to be completed at the time of sale. Once a sow has been transferred to a new owner, no additional litter notifications from the previous owner will be permitted. If transferring a sow with a litter of piglets already on the ground, the piglets are not able to be transferred and will be required to be Registered by the original breeder directly to the person purchasing them (along with the sow). No third-party sales will be permitted. The transfer will cost $15. Upon the receival of documents to the Idaho Pasture Pig Registry, both electronically and physically, there are no alterations that can be done without the completion of a Change of Information form.
Duplicate Registration Papers:
To get a duplicate registration paper of a previously registered pig the cost will be $15.00 and must be completed by the person who currently owns the pig. Any paperwork that has to be resent due to an incorrect address, misspelled name, any other mistake done by the breeder at time of submission will be subjected to a $15.00 corrections fee.
Change of Information
Upon the receival of documents to the Idaho Pasture Pig Registry, both electronically and physically, there are no alterations that can be done without the completion of a Change of Information form. Paperwork that has to be resent due to an incorrect address, misspelled name, incorrect color, or any other mistake done by the breeder at time of submission will require a Change of Information form and will be subjected to a $15.00 corrections fee. If a pig is accidently marked as deceased or needs to be changed from a barrow to a boar, a color changed is required prior to Registering the piglet, or any other change needs to be done prior to the piglet being Registered, then a Change of Information form containing the reason for the change must be completed and a $10.00 fee is required. If a change of any kind needs to be done on an Official Registration Certificate once it has been submitted by the breeder of the pig, then a Change of Information form will need to be submitted and the Original Registration Certificate must return back to the IPPR.
DNA testing for Parent Verification:
If DNA testing is required to determine parentage, all hair samples must be pulled by the breeder of the pigs. Hair samples will be pulled from the sow, the boar, and the potential offspring. At least 20 hairs with the root bulb attached are required by UC Davis to complete the testing. Hair samples will be labeled correctly as boar and sow as well as with the Full Registered name and number. Please do NOT put any AKA names on the labels. The potential offspring piglet will be placed into a CLEAN plastic bag free from debris and be clearly labeled with the sex, color, and the birthdate of that piglet. Each piglet will require its own separate bag. DNA testing for parent verification must be completed prior to offspring leaving the farm they were born at. All of the samples will be sent to the Idaho Pasture Pig Registry at 5711 Karls Lane, Laona, WI 54541. The Idaho Pasture Pig Registry will send all hair samples directly to UC Davis for testing. The verification report will be emailed to the Registrar and the breeder. The cost to test three pigs is $150. All additional samples will cost an additional $40. “This is the approved process for parent verification and no exceptions will be made.” A guide for collecting hair samples can be found on the UC Davis Veterinarian website at: Pig DNA Collection | Veterinary Genetics Laboratory ( These instructions must be followed.
Artificial Insemination
At this time, there are no breeders doing Artificial Insemination. The topic of AI has been talked about for years now and as with everything the IPPR does, it wants to maintain the integrity of the breed. There has been a system in place for over two years now and we have had a handful of serious breeders come to the IPPR with questions. As is always the case, we listen, research, and make decisions based on the best interest of the breed. With that in mind, the IPPR has been researching other viable options for AI to make it more accessible if a breeder wants to consider that as an option for their farm. We have heard from pork production specialists, reproduction specialists, people within the KuneKune breed, DNA specialists, and the International Boar Semen company.
The Artificial Insemination Requirements:
1 – In order for offspring to be considered for Registration thru the IPPR, the boar being collected must be Certified by the IPPR. Part of the Certifications will require a veterinarian check.
2 – If a farm wants to pursue AI through their own farm, they are welcome to do that, but are responsible for all associated costs. The IPPR will need to be involved and a specific numbering system will be applied to the straws so that there is a record of traceability. A veterinarian is not required to be present at the collection or the insemination, but DNA testing on EACH piglet that will be registered is required.
3 – If a breeder wants to utilize the International Boar Semen (IBS) collection agency, they are welcome to do that. After talking to them, the best option for the IPP is going to be to run it similar to the way the KK does now. The boar will belong to the breeder (and not to IBS). All semen sales will run directly through the breeder and the breeder will be responsible for setting pricing for both the straws and the shipping costs.
- A boar housed at IBS will be contained in a farrowing-type crate for the entirety of its time at IBS unless it is being collected.
- A certain amount of money must be collected each month for each boar kept at IBS (approximately $180 at this time) and if that amount is not collected, then the boar’s owner is responsible for paying that amount for housing and feed.
- All guarantees for semen, collection, etc. are the responsibility of the owner of the boar.
- DNA testing is required.
4 – The Advisory Board reserves the right to deny the insemination if they find the sow or
boar to not meet breed standards or if the rules and requirements are not met.
Breeders are welcome to research AI for their farm and if any additional information is required, please contact the IPPR directly at